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OMI January 26, 2024 7:33 pm

Well, I am not sure how long this will last. The Story is only a brief period for these two. They are both filling up their voids with each other. Can they find any sort of balance? not sure. They are both so young. Oh I think they will be with each other for the rest of their lives. For worse not better if you get my meaning. I think the businessman will marry, but it will be a cold marriage. The lover will have a problem with that, but really that will just call for another cage session probably. I wouldn't mind seeing this couple in their 50s... if they make it. They will love and hate each other. Even if pretty one gets away, he will come back unless he finds something more stable and loving which is doubtful. The businessman will likely want to destroy anything like that. The businessman man will likely release the pretty man to see if he comes back like a good dog. By the time they are in their 50s.....yeah who knows. I will say this... the businessman killed the dog that bit him. So...the logic would follow there is also a chance that he might kill the pretty lover if he doesn't do well as a dog.
