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Can't wait for more

i_alice January 26, 2024 7:25 pm

The MC has a good personality that i like, he's soft but not a pushover at the same time he actually acts like someone who experience life compared to the other student around him (after he was reborn). Second, i think the fox was hot af. Third the blue head guy, also hot af.Fourth, the characters reacts appropriately with MC's talent. Fifth the long haired girl at the workshop kinda pisses me off, though i understand her circumstances but she still pisses me off hope she's not the fl (generally i hope there would be NO ROMANCE, but he knows)

Sixth, I don't think the plot moves pretty fast, that's why i enjoyed it so much. i got carried away that i didn't even realize I've reached the recent update. I wish there were more chapters (。♡‿♡。)
