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SPOILERS !?? SO BASICALLY i looked at the raws and the black haired ml basically has ...

bloop January 26, 2024 12:22 am


SO BASICALLY i looked at the raws and the black haired ml basically has a doppleganger and he tried to rape the mc, daewoo comes with a knife and they both kill the doppleganger and the mc is traumatised, the ml runs out realising mc is gone and he finds them

    OwO January 26, 2024 2:35 am

    Wait why does he have anothwr doppelganger tho . Isn't piggy supposed to take over him after offing him

    Cleo January 26, 2024 3:56 pm
    Wait why does he have anothwr doppelganger tho . Isn't piggy supposed to take over him after offing him OwO

    They said if the first doppelganger doesnt do his job in the spesific amount of time, they will create another one to kill both of them and replace them