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And you just raped him. Repulsive to say the last...

Rencchan January 25, 2024 11:27 pm

And you just raped him. Repulsive to say the last...

    amelia2204 January 25, 2024 11:43 pm


    namangi January 25, 2024 11:44 pm
    HE'S ON DRUGS YO amelia2204

    still rape tho

    amelia2204 January 25, 2024 11:46 pm
    still rape tho namangi

    still out of his right mind tho

    namangi January 25, 2024 11:52 pm
    still out of his right mind tho amelia2204

    yeah i got that part but he still raped jin… you think if a shitfaced drunk man in a club assaults someone he shouldn't take responsibility?

    Hearts4MingwaMen January 26, 2024 12:16 am
    yeah i got that part but he still raped jin… you think if a shitfaced drunk man in a club assaults someone he shouldn't take responsibility? namangi

    that's honestly a completely different situation. jin doesn't even try to get him off, and we all know he could if he wanted to. if he's not refusing, it shouldn't be considered rape.

    namangi January 26, 2024 1:43 am
    that's honestly a completely different situation. jin doesn't even try to get him off, and we all know he could if he wanted to. if he's not refusing, it shouldn't be considered rape. Hearts4MingwaMen

    he… punched him??? and kicked him??? are u on drugs too? lmao or did you just not read the manga?? jin literally tried to fight him off as soon as matthew came onto him, but he then realised that it would be easier to just stop resisting and let it happen and not fight a bigger, stronger man on drugs… this scene is dark asf i cant even fathom the fact that yall as viewing this as a consensual intercourse.. every two words jin literally says “stop” and thinks how much it hurts, istg some of yall have sick porn-fried brains

    aisha January 26, 2024 3:02 am
    that's honestly a completely different situation. jin doesn't even try to get him off, and we all know he could if he wanted to. if he's not refusing, it shouldn't be considered rape. Hearts4MingwaMen

    erm same situation bud tbfh

    Hearts4MingwaMen January 26, 2024 10:48 am
    he… punched him??? and kicked him??? are u on drugs too? lmao or did you just not read the manga?? jin literally tried to fight him off as soon as matthew came onto him, but he then realised that it would be ... namangi

    matthew definitely is not stronger than jin. did he tell him to stop? don't have that in mind. theres so many days between updates so it could be i forgot that part.

    namangi January 26, 2024 11:33 am
    matthew definitely is not stronger than jin. did he tell him to stop? don't have that in mind. theres so many days between updates so it could be i forgot that part. Hearts4MingwaMen

    wdym not stronger than jin? lmao just look at their character profile, literally take one look at them beside one another and you can clearly see the size diffrence, read the manga carefully next time and dont say stupid shit like „thats not rape! he didnt fight back!”, thats super fucking hurtful to people who experienced SA, jin did fight back but even if he didnt, not fighting back doesnt mean giving consent

    Hearts4MingwaMen January 26, 2024 3:32 pm
    wdym not stronger than jin? lmao just look at their character profile, literally take one look at them beside one another and you can clearly see the size diffrence, read the manga carefully next time and dont ... namangi

    just because he's bigger actually doesn't mean he's stronger. anyhow i'll keep that in mind, i'm sorry if i offended anyone.

    Rencchan January 26, 2024 10:10 pm
    HE'S ON DRUGS YO amelia2204

    Still rape

    gege May 9, 2024 4:59 pm
    just because he's bigger actually doesn't mean he's stronger. anyhow i'll keep that in mind, i'm sorry if i offended anyone. Hearts4MingwaMen

    Even if Jin was stronger it would still be rape. Jin endured it so Matthew would sober up and stop. And men get raped by women despite men being stronger, a lot of the trauma is mental in the moment as well not just physical