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This needs higher ratings.

hanakiss January 24, 2024 3:59 am

I would SO date Satoru. He is so mature, level headed, sensitive to others, kind and open. The first chap of this made me so SUS of Manato and thinking wtf is this lol.

And that sudden stabbing felt like some WattPad/GoodNovel app insert, like what the, it came out of nowhere. However I did love the relationship build post initial drunk sex and how the author showed Manato falling desperately in love. I would have liked another 1-2 chaps of them being in a relationship, laughing, loving and having lots of torrid sex lol. Great read and would reread.

    hafuyuki February 2, 2024 3:57 pm

    Honestly, i don't it's a sudden accident. In the chapter 2 (cmiiw) , you can see there is a woman who following manato, and satoru noticed. And in the chapter 3 there is a strange woman too, who, I assumed wants to barge in to manato's apartment in the apartment lobby and again, satoru noticed. I think it's the same woman who stabbed manato.