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Kinda torn on this one...

Nizze January 21, 2024 3:54 pm

It somehow didn't click with me... like... I like a lot of the elements... but somehow it's not that enjoyable?
The mc's personality feels tiring... she seems dumb most of the times... she overreacts to everything... and also... I don't like the way she's manipulating the male leads candidates... while using the threat of de@th to withewash herself.
When she met the "rival" I felt that it was a bad bish mc vs. a white lotus mc... so yeah... I'd rather read abou the bad bish mc that's the rival instead... this is the kind of comic I'd keep reading because of the guys... but get overly annoyed because of mc most of the times.. and I concluded it's not worth it.
Honestly the more I write the most certain I am of dropping this. It might be others taste but definitely not my cup of tea...
