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when i read it... i laughed of awkwardness (i really like it) and i squeezed idk if my ...

reaction of this manga c: cuz i can't find a name February 1, 2013 8:36 pm

when i read it...

i laughed of awkwardness (i really like it) and i squeezed idk if my mother hear it, cuz she is in the other room right next to me O-O but seriously the doctor at the last page when he found out i was like ''if you dare to fire IF YOU DARE'' really i love this and much details too cccc: omg *squeezing* want to read more of it if the doctor with the glasses doesn't fire him then i can read it with my heart on it... i wish my mom doesn't come into my room :P when she sees i watch this, she gonne kill me she already said to me ''don't watch something dirty on your pc'' i've watched yaoi 2 years ago and my mom doesn't know >:D but one day really one day my mom gonna find it... my heart beats fast when i watch yaoi good god i love yaoi (sorry i can't write/speak english very well ^-^'')

    Water Angel February 4, 2013 5:53 am

    Same here. My family thinks that I don't like yaoi. Your english is pretty good, ^o^. As for the name, just make one up (something/character you like, etc)

    We're all yaoi lovers May 22, 2013 9:08 pm

    You're not the only one who secretly watches yaoi. believe me xD
    Also i loved this one! They should continue it.
    Well, i wish you all luck with lots of yaoi in the future ^^

    Lunalee-chan June 24, 2013 4:22 pm

    you're not the only one to hide it from your family!
    at the end (you might find this perv) i though the doctor who find out was going to rape the other and not fire him

    I love it August 15, 2013 5:34 pm

    Me too I have too keep a secert and plus your English is good it is an A ok

    okey umm... September 9, 2013 11:45 am

    XD you made me remember when I was a teen and trying to hide that was gay lol. please say you arnt 12 or something if so you should listen to your mother.

    Sapphire September 28, 2013 3:12 pm

    Lol. I hide it from my family too. Only one of them know what yaoi is. And if it wasn't for that person I probably wouldn't be reading yaoi today. I saw their history of something yaoi , read it, and liked it. Though I don't know if they still read yaoi, they change interests very easily.

    Rawr October 24, 2013 5:46 am

    I keep it from my family too. Out of EVERYONE I know, only 1 person knows I read these and that's because she reads them too. :p

    KuchikiMai November 6, 2013 12:35 am

    My family has no idea what yaoi is, not to be mean but they don't question anything. I have a wall scroll of Junjou Romantica up in my room and no one questions it. They probably think it is gay rights or something. All my friends know I read yaoi, mainly because they read it too.

    pim November 10, 2013 2:32 am

    omg no one in my family knows I read yaoi in fact they don't even know what it is xD, and well it's eaier to hide since I got a laptop bot when I was younger I hat to take the risk of reading it in the living room when nobody was home or at night xD

    Rose_Fire 02 December 21, 2013 12:14 am

    Hmmm..... I am also like that. My family didn't know that I am watching and reading yaoi hahahha!!!!! and i don't want to know that I'm watching yaoi XD

    Innocent Yunari March 24, 2014 2:54 pm

    My mom almost got me when my brother showed the open tabs that shows two men sleeping together naked. Before she figure out it's yaoi I manage to cover it up by saying, "mom it's not inappropriate, it's just men sleeping together it's just natural for men to do it." Thank god I manage to get away from that. I've been carefully watches my mom movement and my brothers to just so that they won't found out I read yaoi.

    sakura-chan April 8, 2015 5:49 am

    My parent don't knw that I'm watching yaoi only my big brother but he doesn't mind at all.. some of my friends also knw that I watch yaoi but that's because they also do (≧∀≦) even if my parents did find out it wouldn't change my opinion bout yaoi (I love it!)

    who falls for that June 25, 2015 8:41 am
    My mom almost got me when my brother showed the open tabs that shows two men sleeping together naked. Before she figure out it's yaoi I manage to cover it up by saying, "mom it's not inappropriate, it's just me... @Innocent Yunari

    is your mom 5 or something lmfao ( ̄∇ ̄")