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make it make sense fr

faeree January 19, 2024 1:57 pm

if the nigga who was bullied so bad he attempted suicide tells u who was behind the bullying why tf would u as teachers not believe him???? cause the dude is a good kid is such a bs excuse too cause of course he doesn’t do ts in front of the teachers and acting is a thing???? id lose my mind if i were mc

    TICW January 19, 2024 2:31 pm

    Definitely happens irl tho. One of my bullies was like that. She acted like the perfect student in front of teachers, but when they weren’t looking she bullied multiple classmates. My classmates and her own “friends” were literally scared of her. She was psycho. She constantly boasted about how great she was at faking things because of the acting lessons she took. Whenever I told my teachers about how she was bullying me she’d easily get away with it by crying and faking remorse. One time a teacher saw her slap me across my face and she still got away with it by crying. People like that are evil narcissistic manipulators.

    mukisukii January 19, 2024 2:46 pm
    Definitely happens irl tho. One of my bullies was like that. She acted like the perfect student in front of teachers, but when they weren’t looking she bullied multiple classmates. My classmates and her own �... TICW

    Omg hope u okay luv don’t worry karma is a bitch

    crimsoncrow January 19, 2024 5:07 pm

    same thing irl mostly cuz if the teachers admit they are at fault they will have to take tesponsibility and it would cause a whole commotion which can mostly likely get on the bad side, a demotion, or if the bully is rich lose their life