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review (ch.22)

ann4liesa January 14, 2024 2:24 pm

ill try not to get any spoilers into this, but its abt a girl who wakes up into a otome version of her hs and shes forced to capture love targets to hypothetically move on and stop looping. however, what i like about this story is that it actually focuses on the interactions of the mc between the capture targets as she comes to the realization that these are real people with real feelings and personal stories. its pretty realistic bc personally i would also have a hard time seeing people past big screen choices and favorability meters. like who wouldnt focus on that little heart going up and down?!! every character is well-written id say and the mc is a favorite of mine. shes relatable but i also admire her strength to keep pushing forward past all the guilt, confusion, and grief.

    your nanny February 15, 2024 12:50 am

    Exactly, I'm feeling awful that she is going to take her friends ex and crush, but I get her, the only other character is a psycho who got her in a bad end and she wouldn't want to get in the others bad ends