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I fr cant stand that dan with his non existent personality

Sim January 13, 2024 3:44 pm

I fr cant stand that dan with his non existent personality

    Harumaki January 13, 2024 5:05 pm

    Although I think it's annoying and I want to slap him some sense, I cut Dan some slack because I think his personality is really consistent with his story.
    I mean, we can see the dude fought his whole life. He took care of his granny, got a degree, worked as hell, but situation never got better for him. So it's normal that he is meek and resigned with life.
    Jaekyung is his silver lining. He is the only one that helped him to scape his situation and helped his granny. Also, since the seggs it's not painful anymore, he cannot see it as a form of violence. So I understand him. When you're suffering a lot, any kind of relief is almost godly. Basically the same that happens in Stockholm syndrome.
    The one I can't take it is Jaekyung. Violent, without empathy. The author will have to work really hard to convince me that he deserves forgiveness.