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Not great execution :/

bruh316 January 13, 2024 6:20 am

This was not a fun read… Ha-Yoon is really a weak uke and actively runs into obstacles and has so little agency. The story telling elements actively dont make sense at times. There was very little real tension with both families so the climax didnt feel like it had any real payoff/felt more like a plot point, and the past relationship trope was not executed well. I don’t think the artist did a bad job per se (and not reflective of their talent) but art is not dynamic at all either - at least until the Chapter 45ish point where it felt like it got better. I think what it did well was Chapter 41, and portrayal of Ha-Yoon’s grief after is pretty good. However, the ending to the formal story feels very unsatisfying - Ha-Yoon shouldn’t have been so accepting after going off on Hyeon-Tae, and Hyeon-Tae was still being selfish by the end (not really that much character growth idk what others are talking about). It’s not the worst thing to read ever, but I don’t think I’ll revisit this nor would I recommend it based on my personal preferences and only liking 1 chapter out of 50 total main story chapters…

    Gus_the_dino January 15, 2024 12:20 pm

    I’m so glad I read this comment, I rlly dodged a bullet with this one. I feel like the rich guy had no redeeming qualities and I now I know he doesn’t change.

    WWX January 28, 2024 5:24 am

    Agreed. _(:3 」∠)_