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I'm just broke January 12, 2024 5:17 am

I really wanna find this manga I read few years back, I have only 2 sole memories of one of the main cast of characters, one is wearing a sleeveless jacket with a color palette of black and red. His hair was black and short, his eyes were red and he barely showed any emotion, His sleeveless jacket also had a bone design. Like, a ribcage design thing.

The other one is a feminine guy with long blue hair, they hated when they were thought to be a girl, and would post on their online account with their face. I remember one chapter he got happy His newest post got a comment already. Or something like that?

Black haired boy had a restructuring power and since he's emotionless, he barely fears anything.

Blue long haired boy has ice powers and I do remember one chapter he got like captured and it just go to back to memories of his past and his village, I think he had an older brother. Don't remember why he left/ran away(?) Tho.

Black haired boy was an orphan and was kicked out?I think? Some guy took him in and he works for this agency that fights of demons or something. I saw the manga before, but I actually watched the anime. It was new and interesting but I don't remember the name of jt at all. I hope this is enough info lol. I kept doing multiple searches around different sources of apps but I still can't seem to find it. At all. I can't remember his name so that wasn't helpful.
