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He drove the guy to attempted suicide, depression self harming and lastly amnesia and that...

Gojosan January 11, 2024 5:58 pm

He drove the guy to attempted suicide, depression self harming and lastly amnesia and that still didn’t give him pause to think maybe his going about it the wrong way?

At what point was he going to gain some self awareness? If the uke stayed with the black haired he would have died one way or another, because the black haired doesn’t care about his well being mentally or physically. He only cares for possession not actual love and he will never love because he lacks empathy and his impulse control is non existent so he will always be violent.

Even after he thinks the bottom is dead instead of atonement, reflection and change he chooses to be an alcoholic, drug addict indulging in delusions?

If you empathise with this wutless man you either like him, naive or have to much empathy were you think anyone can be saved. Sometimes some people are just who they are evil. Welp!!

    Yuliy February 3, 2024 3:20 pm

    Hello, is this the one where the bottom botes his wrist to die? Im kinda looking for it, seems to fit the bill.

    Mariiastin26 June 30, 2024 1:30 am

    this comment right here!!
    I see a lot of people saying that he loved uke and he just didn't know how to show it, or that he deserved a happy ending, which is to me insane. Uke would've 100 percent died with his vile ass. He didn't care at all about him, it seemed that he just wanted to keep him alive to have his way with him. Some people don't deserve pity, they deserve to reap what they sowed.