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Sorry I guess

Marin January 10, 2024 10:43 pm

I’m personally not team Habibi and couldn’t care less whether she stays a part of the story or not. Everyone saying if their pets turned into humans they’d call exterminators, freak out, etc. makes me think maybe I just love my dog way more than you guys ig.

I’ve always wondered what it would be like if he were a human, and if one day I realized that not only was he a human and still chose to stay with me but also that he had a partner that he loved, I would be shocked but so happy. Of course I’d talk with him, but I don’t see myself reacting in any fraction of the way Habibi did.

Just can’t sympathize with her at all and I get irritated that people think she has a “right” to be with them. Like no, THEY have a right to not want to be with her anymore after the huge mistake she made. Yes it was a mistake and she can move on and regret it, but that doesn’t mean they should have to forgive her for what she’s done. She was manipulated but she is still responsible for her own actions and the incredibly poor choices she’s made.

    Itzz_A_Trap January 16, 2024 11:55 pm

    Bro, that's what I'm thinking, Im just scrolling through comments seein all this "She was just misguided" shit but like, she messed up big time and she's paying for it