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Damn what a story

Lovelycat January 10, 2024 11:55 am

For an asian moms many of what the mom did to our dahye is hitting home so much, when i get to high school i get alot of fight with my moms, thing dahye mom do like ordering around nagging esp that blood pads happend to me caused by my very own mom, i was just napping in my bed then suddenly she throw my used pads on my face i was so shocked almost can't believe what she just do... i true many parent became childish with their behaviour.. that why i have alwasy been my daddy daugther since long im more close to my dad.. also sometime mom is kinda jelousy with me like mom im you guys daugther like seriously... im just seeking for affection (cause you never give it tome).. and while i do hug or being close with my dad she will start to make inapproriate comment like my dad will have an errection or someshit (im still cant believe that, she said that straight to our face.. like just what is she she sick). Luckyly in my household my moms do have missacariage around 4 time in try to have a son (that was when i was around 14 i guess.. ) she keep trying but noone of it survive.. she succesfully protect the last one and turn out to be my baby sisters.. tho she is growing to be a like her mom (her personallity ig).. im kinda relieve that isnt boy lol..
