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In defense of My Master

Kapu January 10, 2024 9:24 am

For this manwha, I applied the typical method of ditching and binging, and I don't regret it one bit. Had I read it with cliffhangers and silly misunderstandings left waiting for a chapter to be explained, I would probably be more exhausted and frustrated at the story. Nevertheless, two things made me thoroughly enjoy it and stand out for me:

1. Their love for each other is realistic within their circumstances, they know each other since forever, so they understand each other almost tacitly, they don't have to say anything for the other to know, and even when it takes the MC time to arrive at the answer he does. Furthermore, I love that the ML adores his partner fully as a beta, because everything in his personality rejects the idea of the mutated species, he hates the culture of debauchery, carnality, vain sex, pheromones... And unlike many other omegaverses he never once things that it would be nice for his partner to be able to smell the pheromones, or even get pregnant - the fact that he is able to have a pure, normal relationship with the MC is all that he could ever want. The feeling of innocence and wholehearted surrender to each other.

2. The plan was in motion since before the MC even left the palace for the first time. My guy thought of this his whole life, from childhood, and simply used his cousin for it because he could. Since the begging he planned on creating an opportunity where even as they broke up, their platonic love for each would be so tangible, that the MC would stay by his side.
Meaning, he didn't care if he could not fulfill his selfish desires of having his love, just his presence. He apologized because, he endangered him, and put him out there for the world to see, but that was just collateral damage, to ensure that if his beloved did leave, he would do so for good reason and never come back. Remember the MC has been sheltered all his life, the moment he can't handle it, the ML has to let go of him as someone of his high status, but he would at least have spent moments loving him and being loved by him.

I bookmarked so many pages from this...the love, the romance is so sweet and tender...I love it.

    Unagi January 10, 2024 10:43 am

    This was a good understanding of the story. I was confused initially why would the prince want to scheme all this not to be lovers but to keep ML by his side. Felt twisted, but it makes sense with the position he's in as a prince and even the idea that they don't talk about the future means they do love each other dearly but know their fates cannot be like ordinary people.