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Did I miss something?

Onii1928 January 9, 2024 12:07 pm

Why was his driver's license fake??? I don't understand what it means, did I miss something?????

    Hikarieun January 11, 2024 9:45 am

    I also don't understand it very well. But I think it also has to do with fake identity just like how the uke presented his self. Maybe because President Seo doesn't trust him at first that's why he showed him a fake ID. That's just what I think, though it was not explained as to why but this may be one of the possibilities... idk(⊙…⊙ )

    Onii1928 January 11, 2024 11:14 am
    I also don't understand it very well. But I think it also has to do with fake identity just like how the uke presented his self. Maybe because President Seo doesn't trust him at first that's why he showed him a... Hikarieun

    You might be right. It would have been nice for the story to have been more clear tho :/ Oh well!

    DaffyLover January 13, 2024 12:12 am

    You quite literally missed the part where he was presume “dead” thats why he had a fake one

    Onii1928 January 13, 2024 5:14 am
    You quite literally missed the part where he was presume “dead” thats why he had a fake one DaffyLover

    When does it say that President Seo was presumed dead?

    DaffyLover January 14, 2024 7:28 pm
    When does it say that President Seo was presumed dead? Onii1928

    They were talking about the omega… not him…

    Onii1928 January 14, 2024 7:45 pm
    They were talking about the omega… not him… DaffyLover

    President Seo also showed the omega a fake driver's license, and tells him the driver's license he showed him was fake at some point in the story. At the end he's not talking about the omega's fake license, he's talking about his own, but never explains why he showed him/had a fake one