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He deserves that

Paigey Poo January 9, 2024 4:44 am

Riftan deserved that. She is not as fragile as a twig. He needs to get over his mocho man bullshit (as much as I secretly love it) and stop treating her like she’s made of glass :)

    Whaticallmyself January 9, 2024 8:08 am

    Honestly it's really bullshit how little he thinks of woman. Even the way he treats Princess Agnes - I have such a strong hunch that it stems from a place that "this woman is strong hence I cannot respect her because she's not acting like a fragile woman". If Princess Agnes was a Prince I'm so sure their relationship would be different.

    Fuck this guy as much as I sometimes appreciate him

    Paigey Poo January 10, 2024 3:13 am
    Honestly it's really bullshit how little he thinks of woman. Even the way he treats Princess Agnes - I have such a strong hunch that it stems from a place that "this woman is strong hence I cannot respect her b... Whaticallmyself

    See I don’t hate riftan, but he takes it too far sometimes. Like I love his character, his cold nature, but he’s definitely sexist. Which I don’t always hate the idea of strong man “weak” woman, as long as there’s character growth and room for the woman to find herself and become strong, which is true in the fml case, but riftan is smothering her a bit and making her growth slow so much. There has to be a way for the author to allow more character growth without altering riftan personality too much. He definitely shouldn’t yell at maxi

    Whaticallmyself January 10, 2024 4:01 pm
    See I don’t hate riftan, but he takes it too far sometimes. Like I love his character, his cold nature, but he’s definitely sexist. Which I don’t always hate the idea of strong man “weak” woman, as l... Paigey Poo

    I didn't hate him until this chapter like I could not imagine being talked down to on such a level. Tbf, I do think spouses should tell each other if they're like doing a job or something but goddamn permission???

    He's always going on about his own emotion while saying it's for HER best like?!?!?!?!?

    If I could insert a meme to convey what i think this man is saying, it would be the video that goes:
    "How do you know what's good for me?"