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Help me find this yaoi manga

kyra 23 December 27, 2016 9:01 am

Okay, so this is what I's a lot. Sorry!
Okay, so it takes place in high school and the uke had a stalker and to keep the stalker away, he and his friend played like they had a relationship. The seme actually does like him, without the uke knowing at first, and they were supposed to pretend to be kissing/having sex but the seme ended up kissing him for real. Then, they ended up actually becoming f*ck buddies. The seme wants to have a relationship but the uke is unsure and tries to set the seme up with a girl. The uke has troubling being sexually aroused due to being taken advantage of sexually by the guy he first fell in love with set up a threesome and filmed them having sex when he was younger. Hopefully this is enough! Thanks!

    Ano. December 27, 2016 9:35 am

    Is it "Iberiko Buta to Koi to Tsubaki" by any chance?