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bakashi January 8, 2024 7:50 pm

look i love riftan a lot and i always support him but this time he crossed the line. not only did he disrespect maxi in front of everyone, he didn’t even bother to try to communicate with her. i understand that he’s angry, scared and worried but there’s no need for him to shout. especially when maxi repeatedly told him that she is safe and is properly taking care of herself but he refuses to listen which is something i will not tolerate. especially when he belittled her against princess agnes when he KNOWS it’s a sensitive topic to maxi. she likes her, yes, but she’ll always compare herself to the princess because of her low self-esteem (that she’s trying to fix) and because she had (probably still does) the fear that riftan will marry the princess and riftan KNOWS all about her worried in regards to princess agnes UGH!!!!

i’m so happy and so damn proud to see maxi standing her ground and defending herself and i’m so glad that all of the knights are supportive of maxi.

all couples fight, that’s normal, but what isn’t normal is refusing to accept facts and resorting to yelling.
