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Smut will happen it ch75 but nothing will be shown 😭 one panel they be taking clothes o...

Ninis January 8, 2024 2:50 am

Smut will happen it ch75 but nothing will be shown one panel they be taking clothes off and the next be the next day

    AverageWeirdo January 8, 2024 3:03 am

    This kind of thing honestly enrages me, lol--like, if your story has enough sexual tension for that to be happening, just show us the goddamn sexy times!!! We've freaking earned it!

    actualtrash January 8, 2024 6:23 am


    Megami January 9, 2024 10:13 am
    BETWEEN WHOOOOOO actualtrash


    LosingMyGround January 9, 2024 6:49 pm

    Taewon and Yusung

    Megami January 9, 2024 11:53 pm
    Taewon and Yusung LosingMyGround

    ohhh so theyre actually the end game...

    LosingMyGround January 10, 2024 12:53 am
    ohhh so theyre actually the end game... Megami

    To make you feel better, Taewon was never truly toxic towards Yusung. He was just a jerk in the beginning chapters but that's more because he didn't understand why Yusung would kiss and confess to him and yet he denied everything, thus Taewon's frustration. But Taewon was always looking out and tries to protect Yusung in anyway he can.

    Spoilers ahead

    Even in the timeline where Yusung was falsely accused of hit and run, Taewon did help him and exposed the true culprit (Mr. Kim). In that timeline, he also tried his best to protect Yusung and give him big opportunities in showbiz, but as always, Mr. Kim got in the way, and he was more powerful because he got to be the CEO in that timeline, and Yusung never showed any motivation to start fresh and just accepted to be Taewon's manager, to Taewon's frustration. And even then, Taewon planned for Yusung to break free from the contract so that Taewon can "shine" in other entertainment company, but the accident happened.

    Megami January 10, 2024 1:07 pm

    thank u for the long essay. hahaha! actually, i was still leaning between taewon and sinwoo. sinwoo turned me off in that one scene where he kissed yusung a LOT and i actually feel like taewon also likes yusung, he just doesn't have a lot of influence/power...