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Not all fl who went back in time always remembers on whatever tf happened in their past li...

astelle January 7, 2024 3:01 pm

Not all fl who went back in time always remembers on whatever tf happened in their past life. I didnt feel frustrated while reading this manhwa, but got more annoyed with the comments. You guys have too much of a high standard that the fl mustve do this do that. Even if she did know something, the timeline is still messed up because she acted differently from the past. Isnt that more accurate? Because of her actions, the timeline from the past was altered and made some unexpected events. And you guys saying that she was useless and couldve prevented things, what do you think she couldve done then? She grew up as a commoner, not some rich noble lady who had a highclass education. She tried her best to stay alive and save her friends. She's only a girl who needed someone's help or comfort ish. Not everyone is strong and shes her own person. She had her reasons.

Idk if my point made sense, but i could care less. Thanks for wasting your time on reading all of that ig
