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GOD! When is this gonna end. I am so looking forward to reading it all at once.

buneueu January 5, 2024 5:17 am

GOD! When is this gonna end. I am so looking forward to reading it all at once.

    忘れていたよ!!!! January 5, 2024 11:49 am

    well I think you would have to wait a year or too. kayden is not healed (def worse than before), the top 9/10 and villains still alive and plotting, none of the kids have had a top 100 exam I think, jiwoo hasn't been fully trained, his mom's mistery is still there, pluton just got added to the funny mix and the other white cat also got severely injured so he also can't fight.

    こうし January 5, 2024 6:11 pm
    well I think you would have to wait a year or too. kayden is not healed (def worse than before), the top 9/10 and villains still alive and plotting, none of the kids have had a top 100 exam I think, jiwoo hasn'... 忘れていたよ!!!!

    "the other white cat" screaminggg

    忘れていたよ!!!! January 5, 2024 10:58 pm
    "the other white cat" screaminggg こうし

    fuck I forgot his name PLS KARTEEN? Kayten?.... the neutered cat

    buneueu January 6, 2024 5:15 am

    man that sucks, guess I'll have to be patient until 2026-2028

    nhatdinh21 January 7, 2024 8:22 am
    fuck I forgot his name PLS KARTEEN? Kayten?.... the neutered cat 忘れていたよ!!!!

    Kartein/ka.tain/ it easier to remember his name by pronouncing it in German (like Einstein or Frankenstein,...) The German/ei/ combination is pronounced as eye