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Also the manager is so icky!??? Not only he has psycopath vibes BUT HE'S FUCKIN W SOMEONE ...

suguru's toilet January 4, 2024 2:56 pm

Also the manager is so icky!??? Not only he has psycopath vibes BUT HE'S FUCKIN W SOMEONE ELSE TOO!?? I hope I'm mistaken cuz ik that Myeong will be heartbroken when she learns abt this. Also I'm sure he doesn't love her as a person but sees her like a god or some creepy bullshit like this. He's hot tho

And actually I wish things worked out with Hyeonjae, they loved each other and were green flags, yes Hyeonjae kinda fucked things up when he went to drink with that bitch but I still think he could be forgiven. Still, the fact that things didn't work out even tho they loved each other is so realistic RAAAAAH I LOVE THIS STORY!!!
