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Drunk? From one glass of soju? I know that some people have low alcohol tolerance but I do...

Kanare January 3, 2024 6:39 pm

Drunk? From one glass of soju? I know that some people have low alcohol tolerance but I don't believe one single word he says

    OmegaChan January 3, 2024 6:52 pm

    Theoretically it‘s completely possible if you usually abstain from alcohol and naturally also have a very low tolerance (e.g. for me I have not been drinking for 5 years now and before half a glass of champagne would suffice for me to be drunk… so now even wine vinegar (0% alcohol) is making me feel the effects similar to being drunk)….. but in this case I agree: don’t trust him one bit lmao. He just wants to lure Dan home to fuck him lol

    gh0ulz January 3, 2024 6:59 pm

    he basically never drinks, so i guess it does make sense. soju is strong, right?

    Morning Diamonds January 3, 2024 7:04 pm
    Theoretically it‘s completely possible if you usually abstain from alcohol and naturally also have a very low tolerance (e.g. for me I have not been drinking for 5 years now and before half a glass of champag... OmegaChan

    That or/and figure out what is going on with Dan.

    MermaidMotel January 3, 2024 7:19 pm

    Idk, I honestly don't think he's drunk. He is a very active, athletic person, with high levels of muscle mass. It should take more alcohol for him to get drunk, generally speaking. However, maybe he didn't eat alot, and/or maybe he's genetically pre-disposed to have a low tolerance for alcohol? It could go either way..Alot of moving factors here.