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Hee-Yeon looks like Howl

Onii1928 January 2, 2024 1:57 pm

Anyone else notice that long-haired Hee-Yeon kinda looks like Howl?

Also I can't tell if I like this story. I feel like it's got a lot going for it, I really like the plot and the characters and everything about it. And it's also got this edge of weirdness that I really like. But I just feel like all of those elements are a little bit poorly executed, like it's missing something to properly tie the whole thing together to really make it work. Maybe it's the lack of tension, I don't know. But there's definitely something missing.

    rotten girl January 18, 2024 8:55 am

    Yeah! That's the first thing I noticed when I saw Hee-Yeon's long hair