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But seriously tho....

Kiorin-san January 1, 2024 12:53 pm

At first, when Heejae found out Seyeong and after they started to "date" (because Heejae said so)... I myself literally thought that he's really into him y'know what I'm sayin'. Cause like, if he didn't then, why bother tracking him down just to see him... Yeah, he really did fall way up from the sky down to Seyeong. This what I had in my mind...◉‿◉

Not until, a chapter of Heejae's POV was out and my thought had changed... Wait, could he be planning a revenge to Seyeong for making him fall that hard?? That's so gæ...(≧▽≦)
So,,, he went out of his way to find him, told him that they should date or get back together, and then tell him all this big fat sweet talks, acting like a gentleman not hitting him even if Seyeong is making him mad for real, even going far as to confessed to Seyeong to make more believable!! He acted like he really cared this whole time and when he finally did make him fall, he's just gonna ghost him like that...
Just like what Seyeong did to him... He's also gonna left him hanging. And he planned it all out perfectly. This is my other thought...

And now... Reading this recent chapter... I have to come to terms with myself... Maybe he's not doing all this revenge, and not even doing this romantic things because he fell that really hard on Seyeong... But because he's just afraid of being abandoned again like what his parents/mother did back when he was a little kid, left him out of nowhere resulting to him being an orphan. He started to have this fear or trauma of being left behind by the person he liked and felt joyed with. So now that he had found someone he felt warm with, he's afraid of going to cold again.

But I don't really know... I've read some of the raws of this manhwa, and I pretty much say, after confessing, Heejae's action could give you a little confusion... You can't really tell which of which is he going after really... What's his aim? Why is he doing this? Does he hate Seyeong for betraying his trust? Or did he really just fell in love like he claimed he was...? Was it a trauma??... I dunno¯_(ツ)_/¯

    ZenRyu January 1, 2024 1:07 pm

    I also think it's partly because of his trauma.. The fear and betrayal of abandonment probably spurred him on to find Seyeong.. And I personally believe that he did fall in love with him little by little..

    Kiorin-san January 2, 2024 1:10 am
    I also think it's partly because of his trauma.. The fear and betrayal of abandonment probably spurred him on to find Seyeong.. And I personally believe that he did fall in love with him little by little.. ZenRyu

    Yeah... Maybe that's why he said he can't just let it go (the connection he had with Sesam) but, maybe at first it's because of his trauma, and along the way he just fell in love with Seyeong after getting to know him personally... Still we don't know if that is the real reason he's doing all this¯_༼ • ʖ • ༽_/¯