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My two cents of opinion

KFelli December 28, 2023 3:51 am

Idk bt i feel like the royals are too undermine in this Mr. Han really have egoistic personality n he even slap the prince???and that wtf he casually take out his anger on the prince's fiance (guest) in front of the civilian (the nurses) wont that be against the protocol of leaking whats inside the palace or sum??? And our poor Yul facing those reporters n relaying those traumatic experience while standing up outside the hall...i mean what he report was groundbreaking scandalous so i was expecting a more formal press conference...but all in all i wish them happiness since they've suffered already enough

    XaniEvans January 1, 2024 5:33 am

    Tbf, the royal family and palace guards, servants etc supporting the Yul wud be more shocking. Its a manhwa but try to apply it to irl. Yul wud have likely been kicked out in an instant.
    And it isnt exactly leaking coz the whole thing was revealed by Yul in front of the media