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excuse me? fuck you!

Ichigo December 24, 2023 6:25 am

what a manipulating prick!!! he basically raped mc in the name of "guiding", and has the audacity to guilt trip him now??!?!?!? scummy ass trash

    Meow December 31, 2023 4:47 am

    I thought I was trippin balls cuz why did the guide pull the “if you want a guide that will be available when you need them look for someone else”. As if he wasn’t forcing himself on the Esper whenever he wants

    Ichigo January 6, 2024 7:45 am
    I thought I was trippin balls cuz why did the guide pull the “if you want a guide that will be available when you need them look for someone else”. As if he wasn’t forcing himself on the Esper whenever he... Meow

    rightttt??!!!!!!! these toxic ass semes really be out here acting so unhinged.