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Another Story Ruined by Abuse

LetsBeReal December 24, 2023 3:13 am

Loved this story up until the horrible rape and assault. Literally fell in love with the development and growth I was seeing. None of it matters. Seme is an abusive piece of crap, and Uke is a victim. Every sex scene is gross and makes me feel horrible for the Uke. Zero romance, just possession and obsession.

Disappointment is an understatement.

    LetsBeReal December 25, 2023 2:14 am
    Tsk tsk tsk just stop, your just embarrassing yourself Ritsu

    Lol I’m not embarrassing myself just because I’m sharing an opinion you don’t understand

    Ritsu December 25, 2023 5:00 am
    “Like it’s going to kill you” I wrote 7 sentences originally lol. The only reason I’m still responding is because people are so sensitive to one negative comment in a sea of positive. I also wasn’t sa... LetsBeReal

    Let's all calm down now, let's just agree that some are the type to comment and comment without thinking, even though it's common sense...

    lemmestop December 25, 2023 6:01 am
    Yeah I guess my problem is the lack of consistency because in the middle, it really felt like the Seme genuinely loved and was gentle with the Uke. I could really feel the romance, softness, and the understandi... LetsBeReal

    ice been reading this comic for a while so i cant remember all the details but to me ceasar was never really good to the uke (i dont remember his name lmao)? like i dont have any moments where i think ceasar was continuously nice, any time he was nice, he would just follow it up with something terrible, tho i do remember the beginning of the comic being better, but nothing in this screamed “oh hes a changed man who actually cares about the uke” idk to me its always given possession vibes; like i genuinely hate their sex scenes bc i can tell the uke is never really vibing, i read this bc i like when a character is just terrible and does what they want (not to their lover but to others), like he punched that kid and i was laughing for like 5 minutes bc it was so crazy

    Jaxx is tired of peps shi- December 25, 2023 2:11 pm
    “Like it’s going to kill you” I wrote 7 sentences originally lol. The only reason I’m still responding is because people are so sensitive to one negative comment in a sea of positive. I also wasn’t sa... LetsBeReal

    i never said u cant comment i said ur free to give criticism as much as you want but that doesnt mean you have to . anyways im too lazy to explain any further . lets just agree to disagree . have a good day

    Jaxx is tired of peps shi- December 26, 2023 1:49 am
    “Like it’s going to kill you” I wrote 7 sentences originally lol. The only reason I’m still responding is because people are so sensitive to one negative comment in a sea of positive. I also wasn’t sa... LetsBeReal

    first of i sated that you are free to comment whatever ur opinion. it seems people really are sensitive to the manwha thats why they shouldnt read things like this , and then complain when there is something they dont like . tho everyone is free to have an opinion its like u said people are really just sensitive ^^ . and ur using ur brain but clearly u dont get my point when u give harsh comment like u did about ur talking down on the bl which would make readers who actually like this bl feel a negative way but u seem to lack empathy for those who actually enjoy reading this bl .

    and yes they can simply just dislike ur comment and move along just like u could of just say hey i dislike reading manhwa with r8pe and move along but i guess we are all just sensitive humans ^^

    last of all : the translator should know why they felt the need to reply to your comment . im really too sleepy to explain how bothersome it must be for the uploader and other readers .

    just a fictional character your criticising ? pardon my rudeness but u care too much to criticize a piece of drawing in the first place .

    Jaxx is tired of peps shi- December 26, 2023 2:21 am
    “Like it’s going to kill you” I wrote 7 sentences originally lol. The only reason I’m still responding is because people are so sensitive to one negative comment in a sea of positive. I also wasn’t sa... LetsBeReal

    First off i stated that everyone is free to give there own opinion but that doesn't mean they have to.

    Secondly the uploader of this bl knows the reason why they felt the need to reply back to you.

    Thirdly did you ever acknowledge the fact that u criticizing this bl would actually make people who genuinely likes this bl feel upset .

    4th u may be useing your brain ig thats why your obviously criticizing a fictional character. Then again u said it yourself not like your hurting anyone u didnt tallk bad about the author only the character that maybe who knows some readers likes .

    Ig we humans must be really sensitive to complain when we read a bl for free about our dislikes and likes.

    I don't mean to sound rude or anything.

    But then again we are all just sensitive after all ^^

    And lastly: just like how we can simply dislike your comment and move along you can do the same .

    Jaxx is tired of peps shi- December 26, 2023 2:22 am
    “Like it’s going to kill you” I wrote 7 sentences originally lol. The only reason I’m still responding is because people are so sensitive to one negative comment in a sea of positive. I also wasn’t sa... LetsBeReal

    First off i stated that everyone is free to give there own opinion but that doesn't mean they have to.

    Secondly the uploader of this bl knows the reason why they felt the need to reply back to you.

    Thirdly did you ever acknowledge the fact that u criticizing this bl would actually make people who genuinely likes this bl feel upset .

    4th u may be useing your brain ig thats why your obviously criticizing a fictional character. Then again u said it yourself not like your hurting anyone u didnt tallk bad about the author only the character that maybe who knows some readers likes .

    Ig we humans must be really sensitive to complain when we read a bl for free about our dislikes and likes.

    I don't mean to sound rude or anything.

    But then again we are all just sensitive after all ^^

    And lastly: just like how we can simply dislike your comment and move along you can do the same .

    Jaxx is tired of peps shi- December 26, 2023 2:48 am
    First off i stated that everyone is free to give there own opinion but that doesn't mean they have to. Secondly the uploader of this bl knows the reason why they felt the need to reply back to you. Thirdly di... Jaxx is tired of peps shi-

    What the fxk happen to my comments. Didn't mean to spam so much.

    LetsBeReal December 26, 2023 3:05 am
    ice been reading this comic for a while so i cant remember all the details but to me ceasar was never really good to the uke (i dont remember his name lmao)? like i dont have any moments where i think ceasar wa... lemmestop

    I get where you’re coming from actually. For me, when they were in the cabin it really seemed like they were done with power imbalances, and could understand one another. It wouldn’t make sense for Ceaser to be nice, but if felt like at that point they could pull through together. I think I would love it if Ceaser was horrible to everyone else except the Uke, instead of him just doing whatever he wants to the Uke whose been portrayed to be smart and fit. But yeah, it was really funny when he punched the kid lol. I appreciate you actually engaging with what I was saying instead of just telling me to shut up lol. Thanks!