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Yamane sensei's birthday

Aoki Kurokawa December 19, 2016 7:53 am

Sorry for being late but .... (๑•ㅂ•)و✧HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAMANE SENSEI (๑•ㅂ•)و✧!!! It was yesterday ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ sorry ...

    Reality bites December 19, 2016 10:24 am

    Thanks AK.

    Anonymous December 19, 2016 3:55 pm

    Are you by any chance YA's spokesperson, Reality bites? What's with the random thanks?

    Anonymous December 19, 2016 8:05 pm

    My question is not random, YOUR reply is random and out of place since someone was wishing Yamane Ayano a happy birthday and you thanked them. Are you unable to take a joke and respond to a question in a civilized manner? You're always looking for a fight and writing long, deranged comments. For what exactly are you thanking the OP? Are you speaking in the name of Yamane Ayano? Are you the representative of the fandom? That's presumptuous of you. Go take your medications and settle down.

    amuse-bouche December 19, 2016 8:21 pm
    My question is not random, YOUR reply is random and out of place since someone was wishing Yamane Ayano a happy birthday and you thanked them. Are you unable to take a joke and respond to a question in a civili... @Anonymous

    AHAHAHA!!! ehehehehe! The irony! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Aoki Kurokawa December 19, 2016 10:04 pm
    Are you by any chance YA's spokesperson, Reality bites? What's with the random thanks? @Anonymous

    I am not talking as a representative fandom. It's just that I am aware of her birthday because Yamane sensei posted a picture of her birthcake on her twitter count a few years ago.

    #PrayforBerlin December 19, 2016 10:53 pm
    I am not talking as a representative fandom. It's just that I am aware of her birthday because Yamane sensei posted a picture of her birthcake on her twitter count a few years ago. Aoki Kurokawa

    Sweetie, not to worry. Anonymous wasn't talking to you but to Reality Bites and her reply. Your post was lovely and thank you for reminding us of sensei's birthday. :) Even though it has turned out to be a sad day with all that has happened in the world today...

    It's awful but.... December 19, 2016 11:25 pm
    Sweetie, not to worry. Anonymous wasn't talking to you but to Reality Bites and her reply. Your post was lovely and thank you for reminding us of sensei's birthday. :) Even though it has turned out to be a sad ... @#PrayforBerlin

    Sad to say but many are killed: men, women, children and animals alike, horribly all over the world every single day. I find it a travesty that only things like this at the German market make it to the news and therefore into people's awareness. No one cares to think about those other atrocities out there that are happening even at this very moment. And even some that you yourself are unwittingly the cause of.

    I am very sorry for the people affected by this tragedy and indeed all of Germany, however my point is....awful, terrible things happen in the world every single day but: this is not what we want to think about when we come onto this page I'm sorry to say. Manga is one of the few outlets and escapism for so many.

    LadyLigeia December 19, 2016 11:26 pm
    Sweetie, not to worry. Anonymous wasn't talking to you but to Reality Bites and her reply. Your post was lovely and thank you for reminding us of sensei's birthday. :) Even though it has turned out to be a sad ... @#PrayforBerlin

    Yeah ( ̄∇ ̄")

    #PrayforBerlin December 20, 2016 2:23 am
    Sad to say but many are killed: men, women, children and animals alike, horribly all over the world every single day. I find it a travesty that only things like this at the German market make it to the news and... @It's awful but....

    I am German and I live in Berlin. My partner and I were at the Breitscheidplatz only two hours before it happened.

    I am very well aware of what is going on in Syria, in Irak, I am aware of the famine in Jemen. I am also aware of what is going on in the US. But forgive me: Tonight my thoughts are with the people in my home town. I was coming here for a brief moment of reprieve from the shock of what has happened tonight, because the news were overwhelming, because I feel scared and helpless and because I had been worrying for hours for the safety of two very dear friends that I had not been able to reach. I am sorry if, according to you, I am not allowed to come her and even mention this in a single half-sentence. I hope you will hever experience first-hand what we are experiencing here tonight. That is all I am going to say and I shall take my leave. You can go back to escapism and telling people here what to write or not. My apologies to the OP. I didn't intend to highjack your thread.

    Ich bin Deutsche und lebe in Berlin (Berlin ist genau genommen meine Heimatstadt). Mir ist sehr wohl bewusst, was gerade in Syrien oder dem Irak passiert oder dass im Jemen eine Hungersnot katastrophalen Ausmaßes droht. Ich bin mir auch bewusst, was gerade in den USA passiert. Aber heute Nacht sind meine Gedanken bei den Bürgern meiner Stadt. Ich bin nur für einen kurzen Moment auf diese Seite zu kommen, um mich nach den erdrückenden und bedrückenden Nachrichten für einige Augenblicke abzulenken, zumal ich mir stundenlang Sorgen um sehr gute Freunde gemacht habe, die auf dem Markt waren und die ich nicht erreichen konnte. Es tut mir leid, wenn es nach deinem Verständnis gegen die Benimmregeln des Forums verstößt, das Leid und die Trauer meiner Heimatstadt hier heute Abend in einem Halbsatz zu erwähnen. Ich bin hier jetzt raus, dann kannst du weiter deine Scheinwelt hier ohne Störungen genießen und anderen Leuten vorschreiben was "ihr" alle gerne lesen möchtet und was nicht.

    Anoni Grrl December 20, 2016 4:16 pm
    I am German and I live in Berlin. My partner and I were at the Breitscheidplatz only two hours before it happened. I am very well aware of what is going on in Syria, in Irak, I am aware of the famine in Jemen. ... @#PrayforBerlin

    It is a horrible thing, and my thoughts are with you. I think it's okay for us to support each other a little bit when something happens that effects one of us personally.

    I know that this is a place of escape (for me too--I very much come here to escape) but I think that when something really crappy has just happened that affects us it is normal to let that show just a little. While there are all sorts of horrible things happening in many places, the things that happen to us personally are different because we are human. It was a side comment and it was a natural reaction to what happened.

    Anoni Grrl December 20, 2016 4:21 pm

    Thanks for reminding me. :) I don't twitter much, but I have seen her cat pictures and I know some people like to share happy thoughts.

    LadyLigeia December 20, 2016 5:03 pm
    It is a horrible thing, and my thoughts are with you. I think it's okay for us to support each other a little bit when something happens that effects one of us personally. I know that this is a place of escape ... Anoni Grrl

    Agree! ( ̄へ ̄)