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my favourite from this mangaka

baananimies2 December 18, 2023 4:58 am

I love how they actually feel like real people! same with other stories from the author but this one is my fav. These stories actually feel adult and mature which I love.


I find it funny how the comments are either mad at uke because he was jealous or mad at seme for sleeping around?? I didn’t think about either of those things while reading this lmao.
neither seme or uke are in the wrong in what they did. uke had all the right to push seme away considering he already knew at that point seme was a student at the school, but he also had all the right to have feelings for him. It’s obviosuly a conflicting situation, and seme is not in the wrong for doing what uke said and trying other guys out.
It’s okay to love someone and then try something else out (as long as you two aren’t in an official relationship, obviously). Uke didn’t return his feelings so he went for someone else? idk why that’s so crazy to some of you.

Also uke isn’t a horrible person for being jealous. he even said he has no right to be so pissed, he knows it’s an irrational feeling just caused by knowing someone you love has had other people in their life (in this case slept with). people get jealous, people get mad and I can absolutely picture myself in uke’s spot and feeling jealous while also knowing the jealousy is irrational and caused by my choices and words. I do wish there was a bit more of a conversation between the two about those feelings because I feel like seme just surrenders and tries to say he’s in the wrong when he had all the right to sleep around.

point is, it’s a fictional story and neither are in the wrong. jealousy is normal and so is sleeping around trying to figure your feelings out!
