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Tsukisaurus_Kei December 18, 2023 1:44 am

I hope he stays in the demon world, they appreciate him more than fhe human world

    dreamedtheirlifeaway December 25, 2023 6:47 am

    Same. There’s more people in the demon realm that respect him/ are willing to cater to him than in the human realm. In the human realm it just seems like everyone is shit. Side note: Honestly, the explanation behind Cruel’s backstory was understandable, I just don’t think it’d be realistic if he forgave him. Such a long time and he didn’t bother trying to explain to him, even till this point? Nah, I’m not that into them mending the relationship (tho that would be the “healthy” thing for them to do relationship-wise)

    Tsukisaurus_Kei December 25, 2023 11:01 am

    It's okay if they talk everything sincerely, but forgiving Cruel is out of the options. People in human realm will watch his actions with hatred and fear. Unlike demon realm. They will watch him with adoration and slightly fear lol