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Is this suppose to be wholesome? I dare not say so. I cried everytime this manga would sho...

YADA December 16, 2023 2:19 pm

Is this suppose to be wholesome? I dare not say so. I cried everytime this manga would show fluff.
I don't know..I just keep overthinking..does Akito really love Riko? Is it something he developed? Or was it Riko's father that implemented that feeling to him to make sure he won't do anything rash or bad to Riko? Or maybe Riko's father implemented his feeling of love towards his daughter and Akito took it the wrong way?maybe his feeling of lust developed because of the 'scenes' (the Tv incident)and thought it would make Riko happy and convinces himself that it will make Riko happy.
I don't know anymore, the endings I keep thinking are all sad/bad.
It's either Riko will grow old,leaving Akito,the robot all alone or Riko dying,leaving Akito,a robot.
And,even if they lived...would their love continue? Would Riko's love continue? Will it?
I keep thinking...that whatever Akito is doing is nothing but an imitation of a human. It's not real. It's something he saw, and implemented it in his mind to imitate that scene.
I know about the photography part or smth,but Akito,is a robot.
The vocabulary or understanding (idk what to call it) he has of it is probably something that Riko's father implemented onto him.
After all,he was made to be LIKE a human.
I'm afraid..I really want them to have a good ending ,just thinking that Akito is a robot, breaks my heart.
Fuck everything, even if the author adds a supernatural or whatever the fuck it is as long as it's magic, I would be okay . Just fucking make Akito a human.
I am pleading.

Sorry for this long ass comment.
I was fr just overthinking life and this manga
.(I came looking for smut,not for this type of sad shit huhu)
(I hope that scientists doesn't do something stupid to Akito )
English is not my first language,sorry for my grammar!
