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why yall hating on the twins like they were genuinely worried for ryuusei because they tho...

Alexa December 15, 2023 3:03 pm

why yall hating on the twins like they were genuinely worried for ryuusei because they though it was their fault that ryuusei was dragged into this mess bc the prank was their idea. they just didn't know that ryuusei actually liked sawami. they probably wouldn't have done it if they new.

    Kiriboa December 15, 2023 3:15 pm

    Totally! They really felt like Ryuusei was suffering and going along with it just for their prank. Though it was funny how they kept interpreting all of Ryuusei’s happy moments as a bad time.

    soona December 15, 2023 10:30 pm

    idk..i think i gotta reread it but some time it just felt like their perception of ryuusei or sawami or both having a bad time stems from homophobia (although probaby unconsciously)
    I mean even making this kind of prank to begin with, but yeah maybe for the small one it's easy to confuse embarrassement bcz u can be red from embarrassement in very different situation. but sawami ?? just going from the status quo that he can only be forcing himself is a bit weird