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i can only hope

JCB December 15, 2023 5:16 am

Damn, I wanted to see how they would deal with the afthermath of the most difficult part of the grieving process, get courage enough to try for a baby again, and their changes during the six months of pregnancy. Maybe it will show up later, in a non linear fashion?

    Daehwa December 15, 2023 6:10 am

    Nope i think. But there's a few chapters from Sunghoon POV where he sees how suicidal seoyu is.

    JCB December 15, 2023 6:22 am
    Nope i think. But there's a few chapters from Sunghoon POV where he sees how suicidal seoyu is. Daehwa

    Oh well. At least we get this insight and they are happier now

    Wormington21 December 15, 2023 6:48 am

    As someone who had experience miscarriage and almost having my daughter die. The miscarriage wasn’t really that big or a deal as people thing. Almost losing my daughter after birth. Was so bad. If I would have actually lost her, I knew 100% I would off myself. After seeing her beautiful and small face, I wouldn’t be able to go past that. And I hate when people compare the two. Like having a miscarriage is just as bad as losing your child that you met and kiss on the forehead and held their small hand. It’s 1,000% not the same as all. I can KIND of understand if someone has one when they are like 7/8/9 months, that’s a bit different, but only a few weeks, that’s not too big of a deal.

    Daehwa December 15, 2023 6:55 am
    As someone who had experience miscarriage and almost having my daughter die. The miscarriage wasn’t really that big or a deal as people thing. Almost losing my daughter after birth. Was so bad. If I would hav... Wormington21

    Yeah but for someone as lonely as Seoyu that has been hoping for a family of his own, plus the guilt of him harming the baby, I would understand how easy it is to go crazy. Plus with existing suicidal behavior, wouldn't make it any easier.

    JCB December 15, 2023 7:26 am
    As someone who had experience miscarriage and almost having my daughter die. The miscarriage wasn’t really that big or a deal as people thing. Almost losing my daughter after birth. Was so bad. If I would hav... Wormington21

    First of all, I am sorry for your loss and I am very relieved and happy your little girl recovered! Secondly, I don't dare to assume how something so personal as the grieving process would be for a living, breathing person. My initial comment was exclusively based on my personal analysis of these characters, not a blanket statement about how real people would or should feel in this situation.