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The math isn't mathing? If it's been 10 years, and Shun was in a daycare, then he is like ...

Theystolemyname December 13, 2023 11:00 pm

The math isn't mathing? If it's been 10 years, and Shun was in a daycare, then he is like 16 at the beginning of the manga, no? Kids are in daycare till like the age 6. Which makes MC suuuper sus for doing it with a kid.... Unless the mangaka either miscalculated, or thought that 10+ years is as good as 10. After all, Shun drank with everyone, and no one wondered about an underage kid drinking.
On another note, I already thought that MC was beyond disrespectful for still wearing the ring when they got officially together, but then in the end he was still wearing it 2 years into the relationship, and on top of it all, he got Shun a matching ring to his own?? Instead of a new set?? Dude. Like, Shun has the patience of a saint, because I sure as hell would have been pissed if my SO still wore a ring a week into our relationship.

    Deity Lu December 20, 2023 12:38 pm

    It's 10+ years, Shun is already in his 20s when they meet again since he can drink and this manga is before the lowered drinking age if I ain't wrong.
    Also, he gave Shun his older ring if u look closely, so he did in fact get them a new set.