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Maybe unpopular opinion but I think people are overexaggerating when it comes to jaekyung....

mango milk December 13, 2023 12:43 pm

Maybe unpopular opinion but I think people are overexaggerating when it comes to jaekyung. Don’t get me wrong his temper and the way he treats Dan sucks and I’m waiting for that regret arc, but some people act like he killed Dan‘s whole family or something. He has his bad qualities yes but not nearly as toxic as ppl make him out to be. He gave Dan a roof over his head, a job and paid off his debt. Granny would be dead and Dan would still get his ass beaten in some alleyway if it weren‘t for him. That‘s why Dan is seeing the good in him.

    Idontfuckingknow December 13, 2023 12:50 pm

    He raped Dan multiple times, if you think that’s not toxic I don’t know what toxic is then

    kaela December 13, 2023 12:52 pm

    this! like I don’t get why people say that Jaekyung’s doing the bare minimum when Dan signed up for this job, Jaekyung’s actually being generous with his money. Also I’m not saying this excuses what he did. But yeah I kinda get why Dan caught feelings for him.

    Jaxx is tired of peps shi- December 13, 2023 12:56 pm
    He raped Dan multiple times, if you think that’s not toxic I don’t know what toxic is then Idontfuckingknow

    dan signed a contract thats a fact that people forget .
    that says to have s whenever jae wants -
    (yes it is r*pe and jae sucks really bad but i agree somewhat with the points made above. not disagreeing that it is toxic .

    mango milk December 13, 2023 12:59 pm
    He raped Dan multiple times, if you think that’s not toxic I don’t know what toxic is then Idontfuckingknow

    At what point did I say he’s not toxic? Surprise! that‘s most BL tops for you. I‘m just saying that there‘s WAY worse out there, but Jaekyung is taking the fall for it because of how popular he is in the community. Even people who don’t read manhwa have seen his face at least once

    Mrs.Okumara December 13, 2023 1:01 pm

    He's aggressive, rude, verbally abusive, and has humiliated and had forceful sex with Dan several times. He's not the devil but lets not pretend he isnt a huge shit head. The only reason he gave Dan all those things was so he could have easy access to his toy whenever he wanted. It was kindness with a really disgusting catch and a textbook example of something narcs hang onto. "I saved you now you owe me this don't you?" He doesn't get credit for being kind if he uses the outcome to further oppress Kim Dan. Their "relationship" for now reads like your friend who says "He's not as bad as he seems" after coming home crying everyday. And immediately being happy again when he does something slightly nice. I think the only thing he did without a catch was visiting Dans granny?

    Mrs.Okumara December 13, 2023 1:02 pm
    He's aggressive, rude, verbally abusive, and has humiliated and had forceful sex with Dan several times. He's not the devil but lets not pretend he isnt a huge shit head. The only reason he gave Dan all those t... Mrs.Okumara

    Oh and the thing with the drugs

    Idontfuckingknow December 13, 2023 1:06 pm
    He's aggressive, rude, verbally abusive, and has humiliated and had forceful sex with Dan several times. He's not the devil but lets not pretend he isnt a huge shit head. The only reason he gave Dan all those t... Mrs.Okumara

    And just because there some other stories with people worst than him doesn’t exclude the fact that he’s an rapist asshole!
    Yes Dan signed the contract BECAUSE THERE WAS NO WAY OUT. He had to choose, have sex against his will and have money to pay for his granny, OR be poor and get beat up by shark loans….

    Jaxx is tired of peps shi- December 13, 2023 1:07 pm
    He's aggressive, rude, verbally abusive, and has humiliated and had forceful sex with Dan several times. He's not the devil but lets not pretend he isnt a huge shit head. The only reason he gave Dan all those t... Mrs.Okumara

    this right here is fact

    Idontfuckingknow December 13, 2023 1:10 pm
    At what point did I say he’s not toxic? Surprise! that‘s most BL tops for you. I‘m just saying that there‘s WAY worse out there, but Jaekyung is taking the fall for it because of how popular he is in th... mango milk

    Probably because put this out there in the internet so much, and it’s obvious it’s gonna get more views than the other more toxic story, because some people sold this out to be a romantic story (same thing that happened with killing stalking) when in reality is actually super toxic and not romantic at all.
    There’s worst out there, but this is bad and we are reading it and talking about it. We shouldn’t sugar coat how toxic someone is just because there’s worst.