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To those people who thinks this is too cheesy or what GTFOH!!

WeirdPotato~ December 12, 2023 5:24 am

If this is not your cup of tea, get out! stop saying its too girlyy or cringe for your liking. You're actually just ruining other people's experience reading this. Stop saying its too unrealistic, like bruhh what do you expect?? Maybe it did have a touch of reality, but don't expect it to actually go to realistic route cause tbh it will only leave some of us depressed cause lets be honest not everything goes in our way.

The reason why i like this is because it make me feel hope and happy that even if I don't possess this kind of friendship or what it still made me feel happy and positive despite of everything. If you don't like it then begone!! we don't need you here.

    Doo December 14, 2023 11:59 pm

    no really, we're at the 94th chapter when i'm writing this. if you dislike the story so much then why are you still here? idk why ppl would describe the story as girly or cringe, I found the writing very mature for a shojo. Each character reflect sincerely on their behavior and their mistakes when pointed out by their friends. while it is true that life isn't as hopeful, this manga focus on the journey not how a situation end. If I wanted to read a depressing story that depict realistically how life is I'd read Germinal from Zola and cry in my pillow after.