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i_alice December 11, 2023 1:09 pm

I was enjoying it too much that I can't believe I've reached the lates update ಥ‿ಥ...i guess it's the waiting game again

--- Theory part (spoilers ahead)---
I have a theory about why Delkira (the demon king) disappeared. I thought maybe he was injured too badly to the point of weakening because of that one scene where Sullivan was bowing/crying while covered in blood in front of the Demon king(i think that was the last time he saw Delkira sama before Sullivan announce to everyone that Delkira sama "order" them to guard his throne).

I thought maybe Delkira sama left his memories/mana in the ring Iruma kun was wearing explaining how Ali-san mana, that Iruma used in the physical exam, showed the sign of the Demon king.

And i also theorized that Iruma kun might have some relation to Delkira sama, maybe like a another half type of thing, because if he(Delkira sama) was dying maybe a part of him went into reincarnation or entered a human babies body, explaining why the ring responded to Iruma. Though I'm still not sure about this because this cannot explain about Iruma kuns parents behavior, because there is still a part of me who thinks maybe there is a reason why Iruma kun had parents like that.

But either way, I can't wait to see how this will end. Truthfully I'm kinda hoping Iruma kun was a lost relative of Delkira sama or something just so he could kick the asses of those demons who discriminate Iruma kun just for being human.

I'm so excited to see where this all go
