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A very strong 4.

Genboxxy December 11, 2023 8:06 am

A lot of whiplash moments and the pacing is inconsistent- smooth and slow one moment then torrid and rushed. I like that it's a beta x omega pairing, you don't see that much, usually it's alpha x beta, or the misdiagnosed beta who turns out to be either alpha/omega in the later chapters. It's good enough, but just not something that speaks too me, quite fairytale-like, had a strong beginning though, I was certain to give it 5, then I finished and I thought 4 is more appropriate. The author did say 6 chapters is too short for them, so maybe if they got more, they would've fleshed out the story more too, and it could be better that way.

    Irene May 19, 2024 10:04 am

    Yeah, I have the same complaint. It felt super rushed in the last two chapters. Adam's appearance left a lot of things to be desired. That arc should have been longer.