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my thoughts about the ending

misterchan December 10, 2023 9:06 pm

ok just read the raws. the ending hurts but in a good way?

did i root for dh and sw to be together ?? yes i did. but dang after the hospital sex where sw absolutely did not reciprocate dh’s love that… was like an awkward and also a big “oh” moment.

it’s sad because in the end dh says sw can’t run away because dh won’t let go. dh promises to come back to see sw again.

i lowkey wish it didn’t end here because i keep imagining a time skip where dh returns and he goes to meet sw again at the bar as a customer. and slowly they rebuild their relationship from the ground. perhaps their relationship can be fixed #-.-)

what we know is dh is def in love with sw but sw has no romantic feelings. i think because they have spent sm time together and gone through things together sw still cares for dh.

ack i need to go read happy fanfics about these two to feel better after this ╥﹏╥
