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Ray December 10, 2023 12:46 pm

i think the dukes sister dying is the reason he acts this way, everyone’s like “oh why’d he not treating his kids good, he only like shushu” if u seen he said he didn’t want to feel the sorrow of losing a loved one again in ch 63. he regards his sons as his family, yet is scared to get close. shushu is making him realize these things and feel his emotions because she’s SIMILAR to his sister in a lot of ways as we can see from the shadow parallels that are cast when people are reminded of her. you can say “that doesn’t give him an excuse that doesn’t justify anything” which i’m NOT saying it is, however you have to look at this from ALL prospectives. from what we’ve seen the duke was already closed off when he had his sister but became completely closed off after her. you also have to remember what type of setting this story is in. it’s based in an empire, the cold north SWORMING with monsters. war irl changes people so imagine fighting monsters constantly, you can’t have your EMOTIONS cloud your judgement. the teacher even said he used the duchess’s death to turn the youngest into a puppet. the duke didn’t want to see the youngest smile in front of him because it very clearly pained him because his smile and looks are most similar to her. none of the willow family knows HOW to express their emotions, i think everyone’s forgetting shushu’s “power” is to create MIRACLES. the reason for her being sent back in time is obviously because the god wants to change how everything went. this is my analysis of the story so far of course you’re free to agree or disagree HOWEVER like i said i am NOT excusing or justifying anything i am just trying to analyze this from ALL perspectives which i believe is what you’re supposed to do when reading this story.

    Hattiert December 21, 2023 7:30 pm

    I agree. It’s easy for people here and everywhere, me included, to think a certain way without walking the path in their shoes. Trauma screws people up. They act in ways they can’t even recognize. It’s a built in defense system. I’ve read about people who were sexually abused as children, their minds blocked out the trauma, they grew up fearing, avoiding and/or distrusting of the gender who abused them or adults in general without ever knowing why.

    When the Duke lost her, something broke in his mind. Our little Shushu is healing him. I love how everything is working out.