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Oiichika December 14, 2016 6:13 pm

I reallly hate the first story, or more like Despise it. I think hes just have no pride, and dumb fuck. It would be better if he meet someone else and the seme finally realize he can't live without him and chases over him.

In real life, that guy is a friggin easy-to-get-easy-to-dump-toy and he'll deceived over and over by his lovers like a moron, pretty sure if it was in real life the seme would cheat on him, and then he says sorry and he'll be forgiven easily and then its all repeated again and again until hes dumped for good and he'll cry and beg for the seme to get back with him like a stupid bitch. Fucking hate it, sensei made me dissaponted this time :/

And the sculptor story, i hate it when he said that he did slept with all those guys and being touchy feely with those guys as if it was nothing when he clearly invited the uke, and he just said that he like him after so easily and the uke melt just because of that. Like seriously?! Did you really buy it?!

In real life it would be a total bullshit, and clearly hes just using a suck ass corny pick up line to smooth things up, :/ the uke is just basically the same weak ass bitch that can be easily tamed and succumbed like crazy after finally conquered using a lame ass old pick up line trick. Weak ass dumb bitch easily deceived.

I know this is just a manga and why the fuck would i compared it to real life, but there's a limit to a fuckin stupidity. Manga or not, should use their fuckin head, dont be a kimochii ahh kimochii senpai ahhh get me pregnantttt since your dick is so hottt i dont mind pregnant and raise my fuckin child all by myself when you can fuck every girls in da town!!!
use your fuckin brain seriously.
If the plot is good, the story wont be a lame ass shit.

    kei_k January 21, 2017 6:38 am

    Oh my! It's like you read my mind! I thought the same about the first and last couples!

    I initially thought the first one had a potentially romantic setting (I wanted to see a good reencounter manga) only to be disappointed with how easy it was for the seme to take the uke whenever he felt like it. It's as if his existence was solely to satisfy the seme..

    And that sculptor guy frustrated me so much! I didn't feel his sincerity at all. I wanted to pull his hair when I saw how touchy feely he was with the people he hooked up with. If I were the uke, I'd really feel disappointed and insulted. He invited the uke there to redeem himself after what he's done, and what do you know, he nonchalantly flirted. smh

    I disliked how easy it was for the seme in these 2 couples to get the uke back after being such j*rks. I wish both uke resisted more and stood for themselves rather than accepting both seme just because of some sweet (poisonous) words. I wish both seme actually worked hard to redeem themselves and exert more effort to show their sincerity.. Oh well..