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I hope there are more chapters

Neko Robin December 8, 2023 8:10 pm

Reread this and it still bothered me.
I don't think either of them did anyth wrong. Seme's just being himself. Uke has a right to set boundaries.

What I did find bothersome is, will seme just adjust to not being close (in a physical sense) with his friends at the club? It seems weird for me to see him change suddenly when you know that's just how he normally interacts with the people there. Breaking boundaries set by both couples could be a major dealbreaker. I just really want to see how this plays out in future events

    bi-lateral_general December 23, 2023 7:07 pm

    Maybe I’m not understanding your comment, but the main issue was the way Tanaka shut Tsukasa down, not necessarily how close he was with his friends. Yes it bothered Tsukasa, but would it have bothered him if Akari didn’t say that her brother was a sleazebag? Tsukasa was bothered but what caused him to explode was how Tanaka made it seem like his feelings didn’t matter and invalidated his worries. It’s not a matter of jealousy, it is a matter of trust. When Tsukasa agrees to dating him, he still brings up this cheating dilemma.

    At the end of day, Tsukasa still has much more to learn about Tanaka, and from what is shown it looks like Tsukasa is incredibly sheltered or naive. He’s never been in a relationship. When Tanaka tells him about how his image can be problematic, Tsukasa seems to realize that the thing he’s been pondering about for years was actually incredibly simple. He’s never had to worry about his image, but Tanaka always has. And they’re at a point that Tsukasa can accept that. I think they will be just fine now that there’s actual trust in the relationship.

    Neko Robin December 31, 2023 7:09 pm

    Happy New Year btw! And I get your point, its more of like if they were in a situation where his friends were still as touchy feely with him, would he just tell his friends that "No, my boyfriend doesn't like that" and would the friends react positively to that? So my perspective was more towards if that adjustment would actually work

    bi-lateral_general December 31, 2023 10:26 pm

    Happy New Year!
    I think that if they continue to communicate and build their trust, it wouldn’t be necessary for Tanaka to change the way he interacts with his friends.
    But in general I do think that the adjustment could work. I assume his friendships are deeper than just physical touch so they could pull back on being so touchy feely without making his friends upset.
    I also think that Tsukasa needs to change the way he views other people, he seems to be a little judgmental (likely because his world view has been so small) but I think he will grow and become more tolerant of many things!