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I dislike the fact it hinted they had a "father-son" Relationship at first AND BOY WHY ARE...

Ace December 8, 2023 1:57 pm

I dislike the fact it hinted they had a "father-son" Relationship at first AND BOY WHY ARE U LETTING UR LETTING HIM FUCK YOU?!?! it doesn't matter if u had gone comfortable w him as a "family" Idk why these kinds of trope always happen ? Uke being too weak hearted to the seme and letring him fuck him, let aline the fact he said he HAD A WIFE?!?!

    Ace December 8, 2023 1:59 pm

    Ignore my typos.., and i hope the author has more BETTER ideas to continue this story

    Sonova December 10, 2023 2:31 am

    The victim blaming is insane here. Nearly every single chapter after Taehyuk realized how Hyo-un felt about him has a depiction of Taehyuk rejecting Hyo-un's advances explicitly and strongly. Taehyuk constantly brought up how uncomfortable he felt about Hyo-un in his thoughts. Taehyuk constantly begged Hyo-un to stop raping him. It is RAPE. Taehyuk did not let Hyo-un fuck him, Hyo-un RAPED him. I implore you to either reread the past few chapters to understand what really happened, or actually think things through before commenting again.

    Ace December 14, 2023 2:43 pm
    The victim blaming is insane here. Nearly every single chapter after Taehyuk realized how Hyo-un felt about him has a depiction of Taehyuk rejecting Hyo-un's advances explicitly and strongly. Taehyuk constantly... Sonova

    I am not victim blaming! I just am sad how most ukes are written like so

    Ace December 14, 2023 2:46 pm
    The victim blaming is insane here. Nearly every single chapter after Taehyuk realized how Hyo-un felt about him has a depiction of Taehyuk rejecting Hyo-un's advances explicitly and strongly. Taehyuk constantly... Sonova

    And i understand what happened i immediately commented this after reading my brain was probably fogged up from all the manhwas im reading that it seems im implying victim blaming but no i also feel sad for taehyuk who would wanna get raped by a person they basically adopted thats just seem weird fetish(?)

    Ace December 14, 2023 2:46 pm
    The victim blaming is insane here. Nearly every single chapter after Taehyuk realized how Hyo-un felt about him has a depiction of Taehyuk rejecting Hyo-un's advances explicitly and strongly. Taehyuk constantly... Sonova

    But i understand what u mean lol