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everyone acting like so many manhwas aren’t toxic/abusive, even bj alex was but people s...

brookeisnotcreative December 6, 2023 5:03 am

everyone acting like so many manhwas aren’t toxic/abusive, even bj alex was but people still came to love that story so what’s the difference? the only thing is there hasn’t been any character development for jaekyung, but this is just the start and none of us know what’s going to happen, and people claim not to be supporters but they’re here reading it like go away if you hate it that much and kim dan is def one of the nicest manhwa characters i’ve seen, he’s so caring of everyone, even someone who treats him like shit, he settles for the bare minimum because that’s all he knows, he has only been treated like complete and utter shit his whole life and the only person who treats him like a human is his grandmother and people want her to die just so dan can be “free” of jaekyung but aren’t considering the fact that she’s the only one who cares about him

and despite jaekyung treating dan like a sex doll the whole time, we can’t deny that he has kept dan safe, he treats him bad and hurts him mentally, that is true, but dan still has a roof over his head and has food to eat and can no longer be hurt by those thugs from before, you don’t have to like jaekyung, most people hate him and that’s okay, i don’t even really care for him because he is very much a selfish, abusive asshole, but i can still acknowledge the fact that he is taking care of dan, not good care, but care nonetheless

this author is a good one and they will for sure make this story better as time goes on, this is only the beginning.

    Manhwaspicy December 26, 2023 9:48 am
    i compared it to killing stalking because it's a great example of not romanticising sexual assault. jaekyung does use his power and money to exploit dan lmao, it's the main core of this story. he uses dan's fin... cid

    You clearly do not understand this story and it shows. You make Jaekyung worse than he actually is. Someone who donated to a charity and you have the audacity to not call him a good person deep down. As a person who has an athlete friend, the way Jaekyung treated Dan before than match was quite understandable and realistic. Athletes tend to become scared, stressed, and uneasy before a match, which explains why he would treat Dan in such a manner, his actions weren't okay though but it explains why such would happen if you're familiar with the world. Before their contract started, Jae Kyung wasn't aware of Dan’s financial situation until he mentioned his grandma and saved him from the real rapists. He still offered to let Dan live in his home after finding out the kind of life he lived. Dan who even asked for more cash and you're saying Jaekyung exploited him with his money and power? That is not exploitation. He's paying money for it, so he should get the desired result from it. Dan is living so much better than before and you can't disagree. Dan only chose what was better for him, you have no say at all on Dan’s decision to stay with Jaekyung.

    Morning Diamonds December 27, 2023 1:52 am
    girl stfu oh my godddd this literally sounds like you just made another account to defend yourself so fucking embarassing cid

    Calling me a girl.. I am not.
    Then stfu.. that only proves my point.

    When you make two people one person that is something trolls and cyberbullies do. You are embarrassing yourself with false claims. I did not do much with defending him. You make it sound I went all out.

    You just want a sounding board or an echo chamber not to talk to people.

    cid December 27, 2023 2:02 am
    You clearly do not understand this story and it shows. You make Jaekyung worse than he actually is. Someone who donated to a charity and you have the audacity to not call him a good person deep down. As a perso... Manhwaspicy

    bl fans will go so far to defend sexual assault and r@pe istg... im refusing to reply any further since you're clearly ignorant and lack any media literacy

    Morning Diamonds December 27, 2023 2:29 am
    i compared it to killing stalking because it's a great example of not romanticising sexual assault. jaekyung does use his power and money to exploit dan lmao, it's the main core of this story. he uses dan's fin... cid

    Again, Killing Stalking is not BL.
    The real story of Jinx, Jaekyung does NOT use his power and money to exploit. You will not trick me on details on Jinx. I am not a hater or a troll to side with you as you wallow in hate. Your fake details are not the main core of Jinx. Jaekyung did not know about his financial situation until after and he never used it against him.
    Jaekyung is a good person at times facts from the story. I am not twisting anything but I question you being a good person. People who trolls and cyberbullies are not. Most people who trolls others can't change. You could had talked to me but you are focusing your opinions on me and telling me to shut up. You are trying to control me and silence me. You can't.
    There is no exploitation in Jinx. You are forgetting he is mostly quite and reservoir. Look up tsundere.
    I have not forgotten the details of Jinx and that is why you can't fool me with your lies.
    I said he acts like 14 year boy. He needs Dan to change him. He does shout and people shout. Husband and wife's shout.
    you demean us. You were shouting at us. CICI "THEY WERE EXCUSED BECAUSE THEY ENDED UP TOGETHER!!!!! oh my god."
    You are condescending. The soda incident would be part of the 14 year boy. You know some boys bully the ones the love. He should never poured that on him. It was disrespectful as you are.
    However, CICI you should me you did not read my comments. I mentation "showing him having sex to another person without dan's consent" TWICE. I said what happen in chapter 34. In one of those comments I said he will regret that.
    You are not here to talk, you are here to shove nonsense details down people throats and demean them when they correct you with the real details. And comparing him to worse seme in other stories is going to show he is not as bad as you make him out to be.
    He is nothing compared to some.. Jaekyung is fictional in a fictional story while we are real people trying to talk to you but you can only demean us and troll us. We are real people you are trying to demean and disrespect.
    People shouting is not sexual assault and not a marking for being a bad person.
    demeaning someone it depends on the situation and how. Not sexual assault.
    The soda incident...Did he poor acid on him? Did he disfigure him? This is a bad behavior but not sexual assault or a crime like that. We don't know what happen to him.

    Bad behavior depending on many factors does not say if the person is bad. Are you a bad person? You have bad behavior.
    showing him having sex to another person without dan's consent" It is bad. he will regret it..
    However. your examples are bad behavior not showing he is a bad person or you are a bsd person.

    Morning Diamonds December 27, 2023 2:34 am
    bl fans will go so far to defend sexual assault and r@pe istg... im refusing to reply any further since you're clearly ignorant and lack any media literacy cid

    Bad behavior. That is trolling. You are describing yourself since you can not talk to us.
    but you are defending your rape pov. No one here is defending sexual assault or your pov of rape. There is no rape in Jinx. Our comments show we are not defending the sexual assault. You are demeaning him showing by your logic you are a bad person.

    My friend would say here " When you judge others, you don't define them. you define yourself."
    You can't define him. You are projecting you. It is disgusting how you would attack other people for telling you the truth.

    cid December 27, 2023 2:36 am
    Bad behavior. That is trolling. You are describing yourself since you can not talk to us. but you are defending your rape pov. No one here is defending sexual assault or your pov of rape. There is no rape in J... Morning Diamonds

    what the fuck are you even going on about STOP REPLYING TO ME PLEASE!!!!!!! YOU'RE SO ANNOYING OH MY GOD

    Morning Diamonds December 27, 2023 2:37 am
    You clearly do not understand this story and it shows. You make Jaekyung worse than he actually is. Someone who donated to a charity and you have the audacity to not call him a good person deep down. As a perso... Manhwaspicy

    Cici used the troll, yoonald words and she used the same tactics the hate group used. They must had email cici and told her want to say.

    Same old same old ignorant hate group BS. They are still targeting you Manhwaspicy with that same nonsense. She is just a childish hater that can't handle the truth.

    Morning Diamonds December 27, 2023 2:40 am
    what the fuck are you even going on about STOP REPLYING TO ME PLEASE!!!!!!! YOU'RE SO ANNOYING OH MY GOD cid

    More hate nonsense.
    what toxic behavior. Your hate and how you immaturity handle conversations is what is annoying. Would you grow up and be mature? or do we have to go with your logic and label you a bad person for your bad behaviors I think you show who is ignorant and lack any literacy because I am clear. OR you are trolling and that makes you a bad person. Jaekyung will change and character development. Are you going to development or stay stuck harming real people with lies to feel better about yourself

    Morning Diamonds December 27, 2023 2:43 am

    My bad, I called Cid, Cici. I have a small screen and it looked like Cici. lol

    Morning Diamonds December 27, 2023 2:48 am
    You clearly do not understand this story and it shows. You make Jaekyung worse than he actually is. Someone who donated to a charity and you have the audacity to not call him a good person deep down. As a perso... Manhwaspicy

    Cid was told what to say and how to treat you. The sick mind game is still being played out. You may had talked to Cid on a different profile but Cid is followed and is following HML. They are repetitive and boring with the same lame BS since July. No real conversation with Cid will happen. Cid is a trolling to harm others to feel bad about themselves.

    cid December 27, 2023 3:44 am


    Manhwaspicy December 27, 2023 7:38 am
    bl fans will go so far to defend sexual assault and r@pe istg... im refusing to reply any further since you're clearly ignorant and lack any media literacy cid

    You keep saying I’m defending rape and SA when I’m not! How did this topic even come about? I only tried explaining to you the false assumptions you mentioned. So how in the hell am I defending rape and assault??? I explained more on exploitation and just because you received a different view of the story from me, you’re already getting crazy and accusing me of such disgusting terms. I see your trick now. It seems you have no definite reply cause you know you’re wrong.

    Manhwaspicy December 27, 2023 7:43 am
    Cici used the troll, yoonald words and she used the same tactics the hate group used. They must had email cici and told her want to say. Same old same old ignorant hate group BS. They are still targeting you M... Morning Diamonds

    Agreed! At this point, they're entertaining

    Manhwaspicy December 27, 2023 7:44 am
    My bad, I called Cid, Cici. I have a small screen and it looked like Cici. lol Morning Diamonds
