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It's been 1 year and yet I don't know why I still read this. Someone kindly explain :(((

bleu December 3, 2023 5:15 pm

It's been 1 year and yet I don't know why I still read this. Someone kindly explain :(((

    Sumer December 3, 2023 5:17 pm

    The sadistic curiosity, just like enjoying a car crash. It's not moralistic, but damn you're curious to how this interesting shit storm will develop more

    bleu December 3, 2023 5:21 pm
    The sadistic curiosity, just like enjoying a car crash. It's not moralistic, but damn you're curious to how this interesting shit storm will develop more Sumer

    Ohhh i get that. Ty for explaining!

    Sumer December 3, 2023 5:39 pm
    Ohhh i get that. Ty for explaining! bleu

    Glad to resolve your mental conflict :)

    Gemma December 3, 2023 5:48 pm
    The sadistic curiosity, just like enjoying a car crash. It's not moralistic, but damn you're curious to how this interesting shit storm will develop more Sumer

    This is literally why Iā€™m still reading this. Thnx for putting it into words