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Not as bad as people say

bruh316 December 2, 2023 9:41 am

The low 8 rating gave me low expectations but this wasn’t that bad… I’ve read this type of story before and honestly, with the theme it brought back more nostalgia than anything. Also helps that the art is great. Yeah it doesnt make sense he was hooking up with the girl, the potential SA with getting someone drunk is not good and overdone, and the aquarium but is soooo cliche but having it tied to the MC fave BL at least makes sense. It’s not a 9, but ut was a quick read and I look forward to seeing the author’s next works and growth from here

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ December 18, 2023 4:53 am

    As a fujoshi this manga is very good i enjoyed it also I have read many like that especially with seme and I never get bored of it , I also hope to see mangaka's other works