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wow uh unlikeable FL (SPOILERS)

TiredTM December 1, 2023 9:21 am

I didn't have high expectations for this story since the premise was ambitious despite being only 30 chapters long - I didn't think anything was going to be fleshed out.

However, I was a little taken by how dumb the female lead is. She's arrogant and blase about many things which leads to a domino effect. First, she lets a small slither of evil escape which sets the plot in motion and was a seriously illogical thing to do. Then, despite being a whole-ass angel and I'm assuming knowing human nature (esp since it's explained they can read emotions and whatnot well), she gives the ML's abusive father a fuckton of cash and is thoroughly surprised he's gone to gamble it. A similar thing happened when the ML is placed in the orphanage, she's still surprised about the neglect and abuse there.

Let's not even bother getting into her lacking of planning to make sure he stays "normal" and all of her actions that contradicts that goal. Let's not even talk about their lack of chemistry - her liking him out of nowhere was so manufactured.

Alright, since I got that out of the way, I did enjoy the ending and appreciated that everything came full circle. A 6.5/10 reading
